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Work-Out-Shorts-01 ; Free

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Product Information

➣ Product made with ♡.

➣ Triangles; 2,560
➣ Faces; 1,280
➣ Edges; 2,700
➣ Vertices; 1,423
➣ Bones; 8 bones < 2 bones for each string, other body bones are included but not counted >

➣ 2 presets < normal, cut out >.
➣ 3 main colors < black, white, blue >.
➣ 12 base colors in total.
➣ Includes Base Color, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, Height, Alpha & Emissive Maps.

➣ This product is rigged and fitted to Zinpia's GG BaseZinpia's Fit Base, Pandaa's Female Base, ImLeXz BaseNeyko Base.

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Published; 10/07/2022
You will get a ZIP (194MB) file

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