Button-Up-Short-Sleeve-01 ; Paid
Product Information
➣ Product made with ♡.
➣ If you would like to see how the tie moves, it's in my discord server!
➣ Get 50% off both Button-Up-Long-Sleeve-01 & Button-Up-Sleeveless-01 upon adding this product to cart.
➣ Tie-loose blendshape.
➣ Triangles; 7,984
➣ Faces; 4,120
➣ Edges; 8,317
➣ Vertices; 4,205
➣ Triangles; 10,224
➣ Faces; 5,128
➣ Edges; 10,680
➣ Vertices; 5,530
➣ Bones; 6 bones < body bones are not included >
➣ Triangles; 2,856
➣ Faces; 1,428
➣ Edges; 3,045
➣ Vertices; 1,624
➣ Triangles; 16,320
➣ Faces; 8,160
➣ Edges; 17,400
➣ Vertices; 9,280
➣ 5 texture designs < plain, sigil-01, sigil-02, skeleton, flames >.
➣ 4 fabric patterns < plain, leopard, tiger, flannel >.
➣ 16 alpha maps.
➣ 7 main colors < black, white, red, green, pink, orange, dark red >.
➣ 6 image textures.
➣ 159 base colors in total.
➣ Includes Base Color, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, Height, Alpha & Emissive Maps.
➣ All texture designs are hand drawn.
➣ This product is rigged and fitted to Zinpia's RP Male Base.
Terms Of Service
Terms Of Service located here.
Have any issues or questions? Create a ticket in my server ; discord.gg/wen3D.
Published; 05/18/2024