Rave-Outfit-01 ; Paid
Product Information
➣ Product made with ♡.
➣ If you would like to see how it moves, it's in my discord server!
➣ Triangles; 3,704
➣ Faces; 1,852
➣ Edges; 4,040
➣ Vertices; 2,192
➣ Bones; 15 bones < body bones are not included >
➣ Triangles; 6,016
➣ Faces; 3,008
➣ Edges; 6,192
➣ Vertices; 3,182
➣ 4 texture designs < plain, sigil-01, sigil-02, Meow >.
➣ 3 image textures.
➣ 13 alpha maps.
➣ 6 main colors < black, white, blue, pink, brown, red >.
➣ 185 outer base colors in total.
➣ 162 inner base colors in total.
➣ Includes Base Color, Normal, Metallic, Roughness, Height, Alpha & Emissive Maps.
➣ All texture designs are hand drawn.
➣ This product is rigged and fitted to Zinpia's VRBase EGirl, Zinpia's VRBase Anime, Zinpia's RP Female Base, Zinpia's RP Male Base,
Zinpia's Fit Base, Pandaa's Female Base, Nikkie's Uta Base, Eliza's Short Stack Base Default, Eliza's Short Stack Base Anime.
Terms Of Service
Terms Of Service located here.
Have any issues or questions? Create a ticket in my server ; discord.gg/wen3D.
Published; 06/05/2024